Faceted navigation thoughts…
Faceted Navigation tima thinking outloud. – Faceted Categorization in MT. -Pixelcharmer- Field Notes- Faceted Movable Type
Innocence lost…
On a mailing list we are discussing age and innocence. Someone mentioned that they thought things were better in :the days before us” when kids could just be “kids”. That many of these believes about the “old days” are false is only the beginning of the problem. Anyway, here is part of my reply, reprinted…
Sometimes I am too nice.
Here’s a segment of something I almost put into a post on a BDSM mailing list. I ran it buy the friend who passes for my manner checker and it seems a bit harsh especially as it may be misinterpreted as an attack on anyone specific. Ah well. Here is is for posterity. (on the…
It sucks.
A friend of mine is facing a rough biz decision. I present him this tidbit from my past… dude you are not alone.
Tasty ASP.NET resource goodness…
DotNetNuke – The Web of the Future – Home ( DNN 3.0.11 ) – a free, open source portal under .NET VB.NET and C# Converters – automatic conversion between .NET languages Screen Scraping With ASP.NET – Reading The Contents Of A Web Page Knowledge Discovery Keys – a whole lot of information about [[wp:data mining]]…
Weesh… what a few days…
Wrote a lot of code Had some quality time with my girls Mourned the passing of an awesome cat Been up 36 hours or so Did a lot of push-ups Did a lot of ab work Spent a lot of time working with Basecamp
Daddy wants something hot on his lap…
Free? Ok. I give in. I want a laptop.. The one I have is oldand it is making weird noises not to mention having only 64 meg of ram.. I doesn’t play DVD’s any more. Can I justtify spending the money? The answer is, I currently can’t. However it is the perfect opportunity to test out…
I am such a tool.
Cool Gear There was a /. thread about multi-tools and it sucked me in. A long time ago Kimiko got me a Leatherman Multi-Tool as a gift and it has been at my side ever since. There are some things abou it that I would change but I hadn’t seriously considered replacing it. It is…