Fun, tech, techpolitics…
Some fun links… MSN .- FOUND – “The campaign is simply meant to be an alternative way to entertain people and let them know about MSN Search. The pages aren’t supposed to be “blogs” but are character pages – this is a fictional search “opera,” told through a narrative of the characters. In essence, it…
How to sell your book / cd / dvd on amazon!
Kevin Kelly — How to Sell Your Book, CD, or DVD on Amazon – “For several years I’ve been producing books, CDS, and DVD in small quantities for small audiences. Micro-publishing. Or to use the apt phrase of Chris Anderson at Wired: mining the Long Tail, a place where the little that sells a lot…
The web…
One of the cool things about having a long running blog is that it brings you closer to information and people. Sometimes it is that link you remember and are looking for (my blog is my own best source of information) and sometimes it is a person who finds you via the web. Google loves…
Quotes I have collected… “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It’s just that yours is stupid. “ “Life… is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You’re stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you…
Sutures for fun…
So Tight Links of the unusual, twisted and amusing… Sutures for fun… Leg branding Splitting your own tongue Metafilter thread about body mods… Now let’s talk corsets… Long Island Staylace Association-Laced Corsetry & Stays Site Cathie Jung – X-Rays of her ribs before / after corsette training C&S Constructions Helpful gals… Sylphide shows different tightly laced…
3D Links…
Some 3D links of interest… Shader Node Magic- A Series on the Poser 5 Material Room CG Auction – buy and sell CG related items pCharacter importer for XSI – Poser figures rigged in XSI? Woot!
More VS2005 goodness…
Remember these… Walkthrough- Editing and Inserting Data in Web Pages in Visual Studio Walkthrough- Creating Master-Detail Web Pages in Visual Studio Walkthrough- Basic Data Access in Web Pages Walkthrough- Customizing a Web Site Using Themes in Visual Studio Walkthrough- Creating a Web Parts Page in Visual Studio Web Forms Application Walkthroughs
Whidbey kicks serious ass…
Good articles about .NET 2.0 and VS.NET 2005 – ASP.NET Whidbey- Storing User Information with ASP.NET 2.0 Profiles – ASP.NET Whidbey- GridView- Move Over DataGrid, There’s a New Grid in Town! – ASP.NET Whidbey- New Personalization Features in ASP.NET Whidbey – ASP.NET Whidbey Master Pages in ASP.NET Whidbey Visual Studio 2005 Home- Visual Studio 2005…