• The new year….

    The new year….




    I had a pretty good New Years Eve. Unfortunately Kimiko was still is so she coudl not be with us but Tatsumi and I did get to catch up some and spend some time together, and we spoke with Kimiko by phone at the appropriate stroke of the hour. Welcome one and all to 2005,…

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  • Your child, final decision maker…

    Your child, final decision maker…




    So at the moment I can’t sleep (stilla  bit ill) and I figured I’d go haunt the only good feminist insanity message board left. I couldn’t remember the link so I did a google search and found myself via some clicks to a new place. Now, I haven’t been through it all yet, but one section…

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  • An open letter about my health :)

    An open letter about my health ๐Ÿ™‚




    ed note: This post replaces a much more “ranting” entry. It was the fever talking, I promise ๐Ÿ™‚ ed note 2: maybe its the Christmas season, I was sick this time last year too ๐Ÿ™‚ I just got off the phone with Tatsumi and we decided reluctantly that I would not be seeing her this…

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  • “Getting over it”

    “Getting over it”




    In essence, this article discusses that under serious analysis it turns out that past abuse may not make one more likely to have problems in later life – that humans may be stronger than we think. Or we were until we embraced our victimization. Obviously even suggesting that people might not fall apart under trauma…

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  • Turning Japanese…

    Turning Japanese…




    So Cute I put up a whole new little gallery of images called “Asian Obsession”. Not only are these images pretty hot in their own way, but the represent some of the things I love about Japanese glamour photography. No fear of experimentation A “lovers eye”… not cold and sterile but somewhat surreal in its…

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  • Fear of the future…

    Fear of the future…




    Dynamist Blog – a cool blog by the author of “The Future and Its Enemies“. I am pretty clearly going to have to pickup the book as soon as I have a chance. The things the book seems to discuss (via excerpts) are very real… people are afraid of change, afraid of progress. Like all…

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  • “Left Behind”

    “Left Behind”




    A long entry over on Done With Mirrors that is well worth the read. “Like a lot of people raised in my generation, I was mistrustful of U.S. military power, and selfish nationalism. Like a lot of people, I recited the litany of “stupid American” stories and jokes. In those days, I regarded America as…

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  • Shameless promotion…

    Shameless promotion…




    Well, it happened. At around 21:30 EST I was promoted to [[wp:Sensei]] at my [[wp:dojo]]. This is one more step on a long road, but a critical one. This feels really really good. ed. note: I did a rare thing and “back dated” this post till before midnight on the 23rd to keep it on…

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  • Some cool stuff to read…

    Some cool stuff to read…




    A few windows I have open at the moment… The more complicated discussion of why wings work – and why your 6th grade textbook lied to you Camo Specs Online – “official” registry of ‘Mech paint schemes Some guy built his kids a BattleMech treehouse. Another guy is building a ‘Mech of his own, outside in…

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