Tag: disorganized

  • Two feet, no waiting…

    Two feet, no waiting…

    This is the (redacted) text of an email I sent to the folks I take consulting work for at Robert Half Technologies. I really, really like RHT and anyone who is a developer or media (Design, video whatever) type should hook up with them. Anyway, this is what I let them know about the new…

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  • Well, that about wraps it up for god.

    Well, that about wraps it up for god.

    It happened this morning, which is odd – but everything happens sometime. In this case, it was at precisely 08:05am – and I have the chat log to prove it! A client asked a completely straightforward question – one they have every right to ask and every reason to  expect an answer for. The question?…

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  • 2012 and Twilight: New Moon

    2012 and Twilight: New Moon

    Kimiko came back to NJ yesterday. After picking her up at the airport we decided to celebrate with a movie. Since we both enjoy seeing things blow up in CGI we figured 2012 would be a fun little film. We were wrong. Yeah, things blow up. An aircraft carrier rolls over the White House etc.…

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  • Tatsumi + Dogs

    Tatsumi + Dogs

    Click to Play Tatsumi + Dogs 🙂 Formats available: Third Generation Platform (.3gp), Flash Video (.flv) Tags: dogs, tatsumi

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  • Regarding Minions…

    Regarding Minions…

    This was posted on a forum about the game Overlord 2, but it is worth applying to almost every aspect of your life. How do I clean my Minion? For best results, treat your Minion like a rug: Hang them over a rail and beat them until no dust or dirt remains. Are Minions child-friendly?…

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  • Keeping up with me… (sticky)

    Keeping up with me… (sticky)

    I move fast these days. I don’t often post long form blog entries. You should make sure you check my Lifestream page for a quick fix. Make sure you follow me on Twitter and friend me on Facebook. If you like a constant flow of input, go ahead and add my Google Reader Shared Items…

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  • A sentiment worth remembering…

    A sentiment worth remembering…

    “It’s like a gnat trying to rape an elephant. Whatever pleasure the gnat derives from the experience, if the elephant notices at all, it’s only an itch.” – The other McCain In short, don’t let the turkeys get you down.

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  • Getting it back together…

    Getting it back together…

    Its been a while since we got fucked and slowly the pack is finding its equilibrium. It’s not OK, and in a very real way it won’t ever be OK but we are figuring it out. The dynamics are changing, shifting things as we all forge new and different connections to route around the damage.…

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  • Draw the curtain: Flagg

    Draw the curtain: Flagg

    “I have always thought of my brother as a friendly person living on top of another mountain. We would hail each other from time to time. Talk to each other across the distance and know that the other was always there. He is a strobe across the firmament, uttering melodies and soft chants, explosions and…

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