{"id":1013,"date":"2001-05-18T05:32:29","date_gmt":"2001-05-18T05:32:29","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2001\/05\/18\/a-long-time-ago-and-some-stuff-of-late\/"},"modified":"2001-05-18T05:32:29","modified_gmt":"2001-05-18T05:32:29","slug":"a-long-time-ago-and-some-stuff-of-late","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2001\/05\/18\/a-long-time-ago-and-some-stuff-of-late\/","title":{"rendered":"a long time ago – and some stuff of late"},"content":{"rendered":"

a long time ago<\/u><\/b> – and some stuff of late<\/p>\n

Taught at the dojo tonight but I didn’t work out during my own class… my left shoulder is still really messed up and I want to let it rest. The class was good otherwise. Kimiko<\/a> did a good job – the practice has been paying off. Her aggression was great and her confidence is much better.<\/p>\n


None of this is in the way of a complaint or a pity fest by the way. <\/p>\n

I am thrilled with the people in my life. I am a lucky man and I know that. This is thinking out loud – what this blog<\/a> is for. I promise by the morning I will be annoyed at myself for writing this all down.<\/p>\n

The thing is – I don’t communicate much. Things like this are transient to me… so I don’t mention any of it. Of course, then no one who cares about me ever knows and never helps. This is not the last word in what I think. <\/p>\n

Why in a blog? Hell if I know. I just know I find it easier to send it out on the web rather than any other way. Maybe I like pretending people find this stuff deep or interesting. :}<\/b><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

A few things happened in the last few days. I mentioned the demonstration I was at last night … the one with my friend the sadist at the helm. As I watched her I realized a few things:<\/p>\n