{"id":1723,"date":"2003-06-22T04:13:27","date_gmt":"2003-06-22T04:13:27","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2003\/06\/22\/letters-and-lynchings\/"},"modified":"2003-06-22T04:13:27","modified_gmt":"2003-06-22T04:13:27","slug":"letters-and-lynchings","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2003\/06\/22\/letters-and-lynchings\/","title":{"rendered":"Letters and Lynchings!"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ed. note: I have attached a lot of my emails on this topic to this post, so you’ll get more detail if you read the whole thing.<\/i><\/p>\n

As some of you may know, recently Nerve has published an article by Grant Stoddard titled “Letters From Leather Camp”, and the resulting firestorm has taken up a  significant amount of the energy in the [[wp:BDSM]] community. Grant went to the 2003 Leather Retreat<\/a>, what most people in the scene refer to as “Camp” in a sort of cutesy manner that already makes me want to never, ever attend.<\/p>\n

This controversy comes at a bad time for me. I had just sort of been getting a handle on these people, almost getting over my urge to make sure that I never find myself as being described as part of the “BDSM community”. Basically, I don’t like most people – and the fact that they are wearing a leather outfit that doesn’t fit them well doesn’t really go too far into changing my mind. However since TES Fest<\/a> I have felt oddly mellow about my dislike, I moved from hating most of the stupidity in the community with a visceral fervor into a sort of “Yeah, their not all the brightest bulbs, but what the heck…” acceptance mode.<\/p>\n

I even found out that I liked some of these folks more than I thought I would.<\/p>\n


The general stupidity surrounding this issue isn’t changing that, I guess it’s just reminding me that most of this community are no more worth trustworthy than anyone else I might know (and no, I am not talking about the reporter). A common interest in floggers certainly doesn’t mean they are any better than the average and apparently their righteous indignation makes them much worse.<\/p>\n

Grant wrote a basically sympathetic article, and he has been attacked in every direction by a “coalition of the lynching” that seems determined to vilify him. of course there is a reason for that, some of the most outspoken and vocal members of the community feel personally betrayed… so they are whipping up a frenzy that is totally unwarranted. I may wind up discussing the article itself in detail and a lot of my thoughts are below… but here is the digest version:<\/p>\n