{"id":1802,"date":"2003-09-17T21:48:57","date_gmt":"2003-09-17T21:48:57","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2003\/09\/17\/flash-insane-feminists-hate-men\/"},"modified":"2003-09-17T21:48:57","modified_gmt":"2003-09-17T21:48:57","slug":"flash-insane-feminists-hate-men","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2003\/09\/17\/flash-insane-feminists-hate-men\/","title":{"rendered":"Flash! Insane feminists hate men…"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Ms. Boards: What do men have to do to give up their privilege<\/a> – so let’s see. Men are scum… and now we should make sure we put our necks on the chopping block so that we can turn into the spineless losers the radfems want us to be. There is so much insanity in the thread as a whole I can only tell you you really have to go read it. Effectively men should collectively say “we suck” and welcome our new man hating feminist overlords.<\/p>\n

The most amusing list of demands is in this post<\/a> and this post<\/a>;  I picked some of them of the list below:<\/p>\n