{"id":1889,"date":"2003-12-02T13:40:33","date_gmt":"2003-12-02T13:40:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2003\/12\/02\/im-more-feminst-than-you-are\/"},"modified":"2003-12-02T13:40:33","modified_gmt":"2003-12-02T13:40:33","slug":"im-more-feminst-than-you-are","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2003\/12\/02\/im-more-feminst-than-you-are\/","title":{"rendered":"I’m more feminst than you are!"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n\n

Ok, lot’s to do today buts lets see what those among us who can’t quite get a grip on the concept of personal freedom or diversity are doing over the holidays. It’s time for another episode of “spot the radikal”. <\/p>\n

This episodes theme is “anyone who doesn’t agree with me has a mental problem”. Basically, it goes like this…. if you hate the world and your place in it you can only conclude that everyone else in that society has a mental illness but you<\/i>. So to all those who don’t agree with me – your just dealing with your own abuse :: snaps ::<\/p>\n


What should you do if your partner slaps you<\/a>:<\/p>\n


This is an interesting thread. Underlying it is the assumption that no matter what anyone might be doing to you, slapping them is never the right answer. Consider that at times this comes from posters who have admitted throwing things at their spouse, destroying his property and physically assaulting him (but that’s not a problem, they are victims of the patriarchy). LEt’s look in on one particularly amusing example of double think.<\/p>\n


“I think this is a really good question. My partner one day was getting really frustrated with a variety of things, then I was getting into his car and he went to move his toolbox for him, which opened spilling all his tools onto the driveway in the rain. I said something like, “well, you’ll remember to close it properly next time,” and he grabbed me by the upper arms and shook me briefly. It was hard enough to shock me and bring tears to my eyes. I went in the house and locked the door and wouldn’t talk to him for three days.”  – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

So “mermer” is traumatized for three days<\/i><\/b> or more and has spent years talking about what an abusive guy this partner was because he shook her. Years of trauma. Let’s put aside how tin foil hat worthy three days of trauma for being shaken is…<\/p>\n


“I was teaching a grade 11 class that was pretty unruly. One day a student was bugging another student about his weight. I asked the student to leave, he refused. I demanded he go into the hallway, or go straight to the office. He refused. Meanwhile, his taunts were riling up the larger student, who was obviously just barely controlling his temper. The student made one more comment, I could see the other student about to lose it, so I kicked the offender in the shins!!! That shut him up! I apologized and felt horrible and considered quitting the profession. I stuck it out, make amends with the class, was forgiven by the student, and life went on.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

That’s “mermer” again. Same person, same post. Now, as an adult she decides to kick a “child” while in a position of authority… but it’s ok, she “made amends”.<\/p>\n

Just take a moment and imagine how many years she would be whining about her trauma if a male teacher had kicked her while she was in high school.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Coming to terms with rape<\/a>:<\/p>\n


Now, normally I won’t poke any fun at the rape threads. But this one is kinda confusing me. See, I don’t see the “rape” here. When you filter out a lot of the double speak and shrillness common to those who post on these boards you are left with some simple facts…<\/p>\n