{"id":1980,"date":"2004-03-08T06:11:47","date_gmt":"2004-03-08T06:11:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/03\/08\/you-can-draw-blood-if-you-choose\/"},"modified":"2004-03-08T06:11:47","modified_gmt":"2004-03-08T06:11:47","slug":"you-can-draw-blood-if-you-choose","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/03\/08\/you-can-draw-blood-if-you-choose\/","title":{"rendered":"… you can draw blood if you choose …"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ed. Note: In this article I discuss how I use some tools and toys in my personal life. I do what I think is safe, you do what you think is safe and for god sake don’t take my word for safety issues… make up your own mind. I am not responsible \ud83d\ude42<\/i><\/p>\n

Over the weekend, I spent some time out with the [[girl2|girls]]. Not only did my panel discussion go well, but afterwards we got an opportunity to spend some time playing with them at the club. This is not something we always find the time to do.<\/p>\n

Tatsumi certainly has some interesting thoughts to relate on the event<\/a> (sorry, Girl2 members only), and I thought I would drop some of mine here.<\/p>\n


One of the things I like about [[wp:BDSM]] are the toys. I have a whole bag full of them, but by far my favorite at the moment is something we simply call The Stick<\/b>. A simple tool, The Stick is simply a stick that looks like something I might use to be a drummer with, and a 2 foot leather thong through one end.<\/p>\n

Obviously you can use something like that for all sorts of things, but at the moment we are going to forget most of them and concentrate on the one I like the most. You can hold the handle (stick) and use the thong as a thing, biting whip or flogger. It has no weight to it, so you aren’t likely to damage someone deeply and this lets you use it places you couldn’t use a heavier flogger with anything like as much force. I routinely use it on the lower back and abdomen as well as breasts. You can go fairly hard with it without much surface damage, or you can draw blood if you chose.<\/p>\n