{"id":1995,"date":"2004-03-14T18:35:58","date_gmt":"2004-03-14T18:35:58","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/03\/14\/php-file-upload-adventure\/"},"modified":"2004-03-14T18:35:58","modified_gmt":"2004-03-14T18:35:58","slug":"php-file-upload-adventure","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/03\/14\/php-file-upload-adventure\/","title":{"rendered":"PHP file upload adventure…"},"content":{"rendered":"

For the project I am working on for Client A I have had to tackle file uploading via the browser in PHP<\/a>. I had purchased a Dreamweaver<\/a> extension a while back to handle this sort of thing, but it turns out to be inadequate for my needs  in this case. I certainly have gotten the value from it, but it just isn’t flexible enough any more. So here is a little code snippet and some links that helped me out.<\/p>\n


I am not sure what I am going to do with the result, I may release it publicly or I might make it commercial. Anyway, here is a snippet that might help you out if you are looking for a way to make a unique filename in PHP.<\/p>\n

Assuming that:<\/b><\/p>\n