{"id":2002,"date":"2004-03-16T12:52:11","date_gmt":"2004-03-16T12:52:11","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/03\/16\/evaluations-and-national-risk\/"},"modified":"2004-03-16T12:52:11","modified_gmt":"2004-03-16T12:52:11","slug":"evaluations-and-national-risk","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/03\/16\/evaluations-and-national-risk\/","title":{"rendered":"Evaluations and national risk…"},"content":{"rendered":"

You know, this is going to be a rough eight months for me. The elections will hit in November and for the first time in a while the choices are hard for me. This is the first of what will no doubt be a serious of blogs looking at the candidates and issues as I struggle to make my final choice. Go ahead and read on if your curious about my concerns or if you too feel like this is a important one.<\/p>\n


My “core issues” are…<\/p>\n