{"id":2038,"date":"2004-04-05T18:40:15","date_gmt":"2004-04-05T18:40:15","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/04\/05\/just-kos-its-stupid\/"},"modified":"2004-04-05T18:40:15","modified_gmt":"2004-04-05T18:40:15","slug":"just-kos-its-stupid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/04\/05\/just-kos-its-stupid\/","title":{"rendered":"Just Kos its stupid…"},"content":{"rendered":"

While it is true that I am working through some issues<\/a> about the current political landscape and my reactions to it, I am constantly reminded that within the left hides a core element of anti-US, anti-capitalist (in a word socialist\/communist) action and support<\/a> I just can’t agree with.<\/p>\n

The daily KOS<\/a> is a blog that has been embraced<\/a> by the left, the Kerry campaign and many political figures had purchased advertising<\/a> on it and it seems to be a rallying point for their view of the world. He recently made a comment discussing the deaths of four Americans who were guarding humanitarian supplies. He said, in a word “screw them”. The full quote is below…<\/p>\n


“That said, I feel nothing over the death of merceneries. They aren’t in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n


This quote rapidly made the rounds of the [[wp:blogsphere]] and resulted in a bit of outrage<\/a> and discussion<\/a>. As a result kos posted a “clarification<\/a>” that didn’t help much though it does go into his personal sob story, a common tactic of the left to sidestep any accountability for their actions. It looks like the effects are far reaching with even his staunch supporters distancing themselves<\/a> from him…. I don’t know if they really disagree or simply want to look like they disagree. Keep in mind that Kos has raised more than $85K for Kerry<\/a>, sometimes more than $25K a week.<\/p>\n

The reaction:..<\/b><\/p>\n