{"id":2164,"date":"2004-06-18T12:15:49","date_gmt":"2004-06-18T12:15:49","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/06\/18\/css-and-morons\/"},"modified":"2004-06-18T12:15:49","modified_gmt":"2004-06-18T12:15:49","slug":"css-and-morons","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/06\/18\/css-and-morons\/","title":{"rendered":"CSS and morons…"},"content":{"rendered":"

Let’s take a moment to discuss web design. Now, there are pretty much three variations of web design in my mind, with a special fourth sub-variation to each one.<\/p>\n

  1. Designs that just plain suck frog balls<\/b>. You know the ones I mean.  The kind of 1988 designs that make you want to rip your cornea out<\/a>. Animated gif buttons, badly tiled backgrounds and hideous color sets.\n
  2. Good designs that are seriously slick<\/b>. These are the ones<\/a> that look like the future<\/a>. These typically use fixed size displays and make a fair number of assumptions about the end users system. The reason? To maximize the impact of the site for the intended audience<\/i>. This is a lot like making a movie that is intended to look good in [[wp:HDTV]] but may not look so good in [[wp:NTSC]].\n
  3. Good designs that are functional and ‘standards adept’<\/b>. There are a growing number of these types<\/a>. The are usually clean designs<\/a> that are very minimalist. They typically use [[wp:CSS]] for the layout as well as the text formatting.\n
  4. Ignorant elitist assholes of #2 and #3. There are lots more of them who prefer #3 actually. These are the sort of idiots who think Microsoft ruined the internet and thing all websites should work on a 240×160 pixel browser that only has text modes. They assume anyone who uses a fixed width site is a moron and the concept of “design” as differentiated from “standards” is beyond them.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Anyway, I am not going to launch into a huge rant… I am just going to supply some links to help you if you want to try to do a #3 type site and give you some insight into the people from #4.<\/p>\n