{"id":2293,"date":"2004-10-25T02:32:54","date_gmt":"2004-10-25T02:32:54","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/10\/25\/nov-2-not-a-chance-in-hell\/"},"modified":"2004-10-25T02:32:54","modified_gmt":"2004-10-25T02:32:54","slug":"nov-2-not-a-chance-in-hell","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/10\/25\/nov-2-not-a-chance-in-hell\/","title":{"rendered":"Nov 2? Not a chance in hell…"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n\n
<\/a> <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Thugs for Kerry…<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

“If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a “pre-emptive strike” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n

“This smash-mouth mentality \u2014 if Kerry loses, that fact alone is prima-facie evidence that Bush stole the election<\/b> \u2014 is what the Kerry campaign and affiliated Democrats bring to the seemingly inevitable post-election-day fight. The Kerry campaign is pounding its chest, boasting that any Republican advantage in the actual votes cast is nothing compared to the Democrats’ ability to find sympathetic judges and the rulings they seek.<\/i><\/p>\n

The DNC claims it will deploy 10,000 lawyers to battleground states to watch for irregularities. They brag about five legal “SWAT teams” ready to fly to any quintet of states where recounts are warranted.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

The Democrats have really started fucking up the process. I’m not going to make a big post on this at the moment, I have too much work to do. Some things need to be said however. Speaking of, this post has a lot of quotes mixed in, just to give you the flavor of the situation.<\/p>\n


“Sometime between the recall election and today, someone other than myself has taken the liberty of registering me as a democrat at an address I do not and have never lived at–and they used or forged my signature to do it.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

The 2000 election was close. Extremely close. By many accounts Bush carried Florida<\/a> though it is a common and popular [[wp:meme]] among those who dislike him that he “stole” the election. When this meme started to spread they (the DNC) saw an opportunity for momentary political gain – and the took it. Over the last four years they have hammered it to their own gain and to the countries detriment. It makes them feel better, gets a lot of applause at rallies and they think its going to win them the White House. Oh… and it gives them excuses to manipulate the process for their own gain<\/a> and act like idiots<\/a> in the name of their victimization.<\/p>\n



“Not since the election of 1800, the first in which one party displaced another from the presidency, has there been such anxiety about voting. In 1800 there were fears that the losing side would resort to arms. Today’s worry concerns a cloud of locust-like lawyers asserting novel theories that purport to demonstrate that sensible rules, such as requiring voters to have identification, are illegal, even unconstitutional.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

In the meantime it is destroying the electoral process<\/a> in America. Not directly, but through the simple process of eroding confidence in it. This allows for a level of “foot in the door” crap from socialist groups that are already riding the coat tails if internal strife<\/a>.<\/p>\n


“By most accounts, their work can only be considered sloppy, haphazard and, in some cases, downright illegal,” Bennett said, noting that the state party plans to take out full-page ads in Ohio newspapers encouraging citizens to stop voter fraud.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

There is and always has been voter fraud in the USA. Our registration laws allow for it to happen with minimal trouble and there is advantage being taken<\/a>. When you add in that elections are a hard process and that mistakes will be made because of how widely scattered our laws on the topic are you wind up with an election that has always been an approximation. Instead of taking that into account and working for change, the DNC has used it to stir up hatred, disenfranchisement fears and paranoia. Hell, they have an official policy to raise these fears as a means of trying to sway voters<\/a>.<\/p>\n


“What causes some of this to happen is that people are being paid to register new voters,” O\u2019Brien said of the practice of paying people by the application.<\/i><\/p>\n

One application being examined was signed in the name of a man who passed away in February. Another 25 applications show different addresses for the same man.” – quote in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Now the lawsuits are already gearing up to go and the DNC has 5 legal “swat teems” ready to go<\/a> it is going to be a nightmare.<\/p>\n