{"id":2295,"date":"2004-10-27T11:33:35","date_gmt":"2004-10-27T11:33:35","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/10\/27\/dissmist\/"},"modified":"2004-10-27T11:33:35","modified_gmt":"2004-10-27T11:33:35","slug":"dissmist","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/10\/27\/dissmist\/","title":{"rendered":"DissMIST :)"},"content":{"rendered":"

Thoughts on [[wp:sadism]] follow. I am part of a discussion group and a recent topic branched off into a discussion of [[e2:sadism]] that turned kind of, well, stupid. Since no discussion of the topic will be allowed on that list for the moment, I am posting my replies and thoughts here. I have had to edit and paraphrase to avoid violating anyone privacy.

Comments intended for post 10\/27\/2004 by me<\/h1>\n

[ someone commented that sadism should not be ‘legitimized’ by even discussing it as if it was part of D\/s because it is a ‘pathology’ of seeing others as existing only as playthings ]<\/i><\/p>\n

Of course sadism is part of D\/s. Well, more specifically sadism is part of BDSM. Hell, the word is even embodied in the freaking acronym. Much of the things involved in BDSM activities can be viewed as pathologies depending on how and where someone chooses to draw the line. <\/p>\n

As for sadism needing to be “legitimized” it doesn’t need to be – it >IS< completely legitimate. I like seeing pretty girls hurt. I like seeing them hurt by my hand and I REALLY like it when it alters how they respond and act. It is legitimate because I find it so… I certainly need no one else’s leave for this.<\/p>\n

Of course, sadism also doesn’t by definition<\/a> include viewing others as “nothing but objects to be used”.<\/p>\n