{"id":2296,"date":"2004-10-28T06:01:37","date_gmt":"2004-10-28T06:01:37","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/10\/28\/screw-you-and-your-pet\/"},"modified":"2004-10-28T06:01:37","modified_gmt":"2004-10-28T06:01:37","slug":"screw-you-and-your-pet","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/10\/28\/screw-you-and-your-pet\/","title":{"rendered":"Screw you and your pet…"},"content":{"rendered":"

Know a man by knowing who his enemies are<\/b>” – me<\/b><\/p>\n

“The enemy of my enemy may or may not be my friend – but the friend of my enemy is definitely my enemy as well.<\/b> Given who wants Kerry in, and why they want it… I think it is pretty important to thwart their plan.” – me<\/b><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

For a while, I thought maybe it was just well meaning people with passionate views stepping over the line. I thought to myself that since everyone feels so strongly that some bias is inevitable. Even when it became clear that Dan Rather<\/a> and 60 minutes<\/a> were as a group misusing their position<\/a> as supposedly unbiased sources to try and influence the election<\/a> I thought maybe it was still semi-isolated. And when CBS made another clearly biased decision<\/a>…. I thought that maybe CBS was our biggest problem.<\/p>\n

It isn’t<\/b>. There is a deliberate attempt to manipulate this election in all the wrong ways and it is much bigger than media manipulation<\/b>. I make that distinction because manipulating an election is common – we call it politics.<\/p>\n

The threats to this election come from multiple sources, and we will explore them in separate posts… I’ll put the short list here. My evaluation of these threats is not intended to be complete… there are many other sources<\/a> you need to follow<\/a> to keep up on that. I want to remind you that these are threats specifically to the election<\/b>, while some are also threats to our nation that is not what I am talking about.<\/p>\n