{"id":2311,"date":"2004-11-16T10:23:08","date_gmt":"2004-11-16T10:23:08","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2004\/11\/16\/every-now-and-then-i-get-cms\/"},"modified":"2004-11-16T10:23:08","modified_gmt":"2004-11-16T10:23:08","slug":"every-now-and-then-i-get-cms","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2004\/11\/16\/every-now-and-then-i-get-cms\/","title":{"rendered":"Every now and then, I get CMS…"},"content":{"rendered":"

Those of you who know me know I have been working on a content management system (CMS) for something like my whole life. This is more than just [[e2:mental masturbation]] as the CMS is the tool that defines the types and quality of the sites I can put together. I am a creature of information, and everything I want to do involves creating, organizing and publishing that information.<\/p>\n

 Without a tool for this that suits me, I have been hampered and frustrated. I have looked at almost all of the tools around, and really only Movable Type<\/a> has survived for long, and I now see that as a mistake. Reliance on it let me do some stuff, but held me back from taking the time when I had time to build what I needed. Lately Xaraya<\/a> took my fancy – but fell short of some of the things I need…<\/p>\n