{"id":236,"date":"2006-06-04T17:58:33","date_gmt":"2006-06-04T21:58:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/weblog.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2006\/06\/04\/am-i-still-a-serial-killer-dammit\/"},"modified":"2006-06-04T17:58:33","modified_gmt":"2006-06-04T21:58:33","slug":"am-i-still-a-serial-killer-dammit","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2006\/06\/04\/am-i-still-a-serial-killer-dammit\/","title":{"rendered":"Am I still a serial killer? Dammit!"},"content":{"rendered":"

Below is a message I posted jsut now in response to a discussion on the TES-Talk mailing list. Since I haven’t quoted any text that isn’t mine nor have I revelaed the location of our secret satan worship potluck and happy hour I can post it publically without fear of attack by the Guardians.<\/p>\n

The discussion was about “Safe Sane and Consensual”. If your at all involved in the BDSM community you will recognize this little gem. Its sort of like “no child left behind” and “I did not have sex with that woman”… a cool political slogan that has almost no relevance to reality.<\/p>\n




posted by Soulhuntre to TES-Talk on 06\/04\/2006 at 17:58<\/p>\n

Hey all \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n

So I ignore this list for a while and things go all crazy. It’s always interesting to come back and see all the drama from the perspective of not having been involved in it minute by minute. I could go ahead and recap the high points, but then there would just be a lot of arguing about whether or not they are accurate and frankly why bother? However I will make some comments and observations and offer some links to longer comments on the relevant topics.<\/p>\n

It has always been clear that a segment of the BDSM activist community (in this case as represented by the NCSF) considers SSC as the “one true way” to practice BDSM. They also consider anyone who doesn’t agree with the adoption of that slogan as policy and mantra are dangerous psychopaths they can equate to serial killers at every opportunity. The same basic issues go with the topic of safewords. <\/p>\n

When all the hair splitting is done, the core difference between what is often presented as the view of good, right thinking BDSM people has these concepts at its core:<\/p>\n