{"id":2540,"date":"2005-05-30T22:07:27","date_gmt":"2005-05-31T02:07:27","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2005\/05\/30\/iis7-details-begin-to-see-the-light\/"},"modified":"2005-05-30T22:07:27","modified_gmt":"2005-05-31T02:07:27","slug":"iis7-details-begin-to-see-the-light","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2005\/05\/30\/iis7-details-begin-to-see-the-light\/","title":{"rendered":"IIS7 details begin to see the light…"},"content":{"rendered":"

Some information has started trickling out on IIS7, the next version of
\nMicrosoft<\/a>‘s web server to be included
\nwith "Longhorn". Looks like a nice tasty step forward. Predictably the

\nSlashdot thread<\/a> on the topic is full of people to mired in their groupthink
\nto realize they are fighting a war with an enemy that was never as inept as they
\nhave convinced themselves it was.<\/p>\n


As long as the open source zealots thing the only reason Microsoft
\n\tsucceeded is some ill defined monopoly, the harder it is for them to see
\n\ttheir own flaws or Microsoft’s strengths. – Me<\/b><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n