{"id":2565,"date":"2005-06-14T02:21:12","date_gmt":"2005-06-14T06:21:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2005\/06\/14\/someone-is-watching-me\/"},"modified":"2005-06-14T02:21:12","modified_gmt":"2005-06-14T06:21:12","slug":"someone-is-watching-me","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2005\/06\/14\/someone-is-watching-me\/","title":{"rendered":"Someone is watching me…"},"content":{"rendered":"

Well, this is a little creepy. If appearances are correct an FBI agent is
\nreading my little corner of the web. There are two comments from someone signing
\nas "SA Austin Beglas" of the NY FBI office. Here is the comment in it’s


"If anyone has information regarding GLENN MARCUS or his recent
\n\tarrest, please contact Special Agent Austin Berglas, New York Office FBI,
\n\t(212)384-4453" – posted by SA Austin

A quick search of google indicated the phone number might be legit, but the
\nemail address (
nyoc20@yahoo.com<\/a>) doesn’t
\nshow up anywhere so I can’t be sure. It doesn’t matter, the point is a good

If you have information you believe is credible that could shed light on the
\ncase or the charges against Glen Marcus listed in the links bellow then by all
\nmeans call and report them. I absolutely hate it when the innocent get
\nconvicted, but I also don’t want a true predator (if there is one in this case)
\nfreed. If you can help then do so. I don’t have any information on it as I only
\nspoke with him occasionally in AOL chat rooms and was never privy to any
\nintimate information other than what was on his website.<\/p>\n

As a side note, I have been part of teaching tactics and unarmed conflict to
\nFBI agents during my martial arts career and every agent I met was a extremely
\ndedicated person. It can’t be easy to handle the conflicting priorities and law
\nenforcement tasks in a post 9\/11 world and I don’t envy them.<\/p>\n

The posts in question:<\/b><\/p>\n