{"id":2593,"date":"2005-07-05T01:32:33","date_gmt":"2005-07-05T05:32:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2005\/07\/05\/of-physics-and-floggers\/"},"modified":"2005-07-05T01:32:33","modified_gmt":"2005-07-05T05:32:33","slug":"of-physics-and-floggers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2005\/07\/05\/of-physics-and-floggers\/","title":{"rendered":"of physics and floggers…"},"content":{"rendered":"

Check my math on this, all suggestions welcome. The  On a recent mailing
\nlist thread the assertion was made (in error, I believe) that a flogger stroke
\nby a particular dominant would "throw" his submissive "three or four feet". I
\nmade an innocuous correctiont hat she must have meant it staggered or knocked
\nher forward.<\/p>\n

Predictably, her dominant came back and told me maybe I should watch them
\nplay before I started engaging in "ill informed speculation". For fun I decided
\nto figure out what it would take to throw someone 3-4 feet with a flogger. Here
\nare the relevant parts of my reply.<\/p>\n



> Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 2:02 AM
\n\t> To:
\n\t> By:
\n\t> Subject: Re: [differentdesires2] Re: Fw: punching and slapping..was<\/p>\n

You might want to re-read my initial post, see what I did and did not
\n\tclaim and what I did and did not take objection to. I made no disparaging
\n\tmarks about your skills, toys or the force you can deliver. I corrected a
\n\tsingle word because I felt it left an improper image. The word was "throw".
\n\tIf she had said "pushed", "knocked" or "sent" I wouldn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t have made any
\n\tcomment at all. Picky of me, but I am a picky guy. Further, the original
\n\tcomment was made mostly in jest and for clarification. It was not intended
\n\tas an insult.<\/p>\n

The rest of this post is similarly here for amusement, because you and I
\n\tare saying the same thing in the end – that your stroke staggers or knocks
\n\ther forward. I doubt you mean to imply that your flogger strokes lift her
\n\toff the ground and "throw" her 3-4 feet forward. I am sure from your
\n\tcomments below that you are not speaking of that. Knocking someone over, (as
\n\tyou mentioned) is a much less energy intensive task than throwing someone.<\/p>\n

However, if we want to take this all that seriously, my point stands. I
\n\tdon\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t need to see you play. There is nothing about your relationship that
\n\tnegates the laws of physics. The math can be fairly simple if we approximate
\n\tlike mad. The mass of the flogger and the speed of the flogger. How much
\n\tenergy would be required to "throw" (that was her word) her mass 4 feet.<\/p>\n

Let’s simplify the problem then… the flogger is not solid, so its
\n\tconnection to the handle is effectively irrelevant for this. That means that
\n\tyour mass and speed is not a factor at the moment of impact, only the mass
\n\tand velocity of the flogger "head". Since you cannot continue to push for
\n\tthe same reasons, the force will be applied to her over a very short period
\n\tof time.<\/p>\n

Let’s do this in Newtonian physics – surely the relativistic effects
\n\taren\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t important at these energy levels.<\/p>\n

The simplifying assumptions:<\/p>\n