{"id":3329,"date":"2009-01-01T10:21:47","date_gmt":"2009-01-01T15:21:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/2009\/01\/01\/3-words\/"},"modified":"2009-01-01T10:21:47","modified_gmt":"2009-01-01T15:21:47","slug":"3-words","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2009\/01\/01\/3-words\/","title":{"rendered":"3 words."},"content":{"rendered":"

\"twhirl_3words_1-1-2009_9-40-07_AM\"<\/a> One of the best things about twitter is the constant stream of ideas that flow by. Now only do I keep up with friends and so on, but I follow an extended network of folks I find interesting. As of this moment I follow some 116 people* but I am still looking for others. <\/p>\n

In any case, Chris Brogan send out a tweet<\/a> about a blog entry<\/a> of his that gave me the hook I needed for my first post of the year. The comments were pretty cool too.<\/p>\n


\u201cTry setting your three words far out on the horizon, but such that they can lead you to your goals every day. Meaning, can you use the same word to get you started, but have it still be relevant when you\u2019re almost at the big goal?\u201d – Chris<\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

So I thought about it some\u2026 took my big plans and my challenged and refined it down. What tools would lead me to my goals and be the weapons I need to eradicate my obstacles? Here is what I came up with.<\/p>\n