{"id":3599,"date":"2009-07-12T21:11:22","date_gmt":"2009-07-13T01:11:22","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/2009\/07\/12\/where-the-dogs-of-society-howl\/"},"modified":"2009-07-12T21:11:22","modified_gmt":"2009-07-13T01:11:22","slug":"where-the-dogs-of-society-howl","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2009\/07\/12\/where-the-dogs-of-society-howl\/","title":{"rendered":"…Where the dogs of society howl…"},"content":{"rendered":"

The humor continues. I got a response from the leader of the pack on my Fetlife \u201cwall\u201d. Since I do not repost the words of anyone but myself from private forums, you will have to go there to read it<\/a>. What I have done below is pull useful chunks of my response to preserve here as is my custom.<\/p>\n


In response to being accused of supporting a totalitarian society\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n

Oh man are you barking up the wrong tree in every way imaginable \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n

Not only am I the _least_ pro totalitarian guy you will ever meet but I am far from adverse to dirty laundry airing. The thing is, the side of due process and caution before punishment is what stands between a society and totalitarianism. There is no faster way to the rule of mobs and totalitarian dictatorship than the assumption of guilt rather than innocence and the sublimation of process to the howling of any mob that happens to get whipped into a frenzy.<\/p>\n


On the assertion that failure to disclose the details of any accusation made against a TES member is unethical\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n

Bullshit. Maintaining the privacy of the accused until the resolution of process is ethically __required__ in my book. The last thing in the world we need is anyone with an axe to grind or feels slighted to have the power to demand my identity and that TES as an organization provide a soap box or forum for their ranting. <\/p>\n

The process your demanding has been tried before in society \u2013 and still happens. Everywhere it touches it is a miserable failure and a total destruction of privacy and personal freedoms. There are places in the US where they publish the names, addresses and photographs of men _accused_ of being customers of prostitutes. They do this under the same banner you rally behind \u2013 that somehow the very fact of an accusation means that one should be held up to public scrutiny and ridicule.<\/p>\n

The result? Abuse. Lost jobs. Violent assaults. Destroyed lives. Long before these men are found innocent or guilty even the innocent ones have been hurt. Its a stupid concept.<\/p>\n

Besides\u2026 it\u2019s not like your being silenced. You have open forums to rant and rave about it. You have the entire internet to spout off on\u2026 and you seem to be doing a fine job of it. <\/p>\n

Not only is there no cover up<\/em> but one would not even be POSSIBLE<\/strong>. Who do you think cares about this accusation that you are not reaching? What sort of soap box are you looking for? Do you really think it makes sense for TES to be forced to post the details and names of every accusation on their website in the name of some Wally World version of transparency?<\/p>\n

I can see it now\u2026 a whole page of announcements\u2026<\/p>\n