{"id":3731,"date":"2009-11-24T10:19:12","date_gmt":"2009-11-24T15:19:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/2009\/11\/24\/2012-and-twilight-new-moon\/"},"modified":"2009-11-24T10:19:12","modified_gmt":"2009-11-24T15:19:12","slug":"2012-and-twilight-new-moon","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2009\/11\/24\/2012-and-twilight-new-moon\/","title":{"rendered":"2012 and Twilight: New Moon"},"content":{"rendered":"

Kimiko<\/a> came back to NJ yesterday. After picking her up at the airport we decided to celebrate with a movie. Since we both enjoy seeing things blow up in CGI we figured 2012<\/a> would be a fun little film.<\/p>\n

We were wrong.<\/p>\n

Yeah, things blow up. An aircraft carrier rolls over the White House etc. The special effects look great but they entirely fail to engage you as a viewer simply because the movie, well, sucks. Cusack<\/a> is always fun to watch (despite his rather idiotic personal politics) and a few other performances are ok. Overall the film is about an hour too long (at 2 hours, 38 minutes) and is entirely predictable.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019ve seen the Poseidon adventure, even the new one, then you saw 2012.<\/p>\n

\"edmiser\"<\/a> <\/p>\n

When it was over around 22:30 we were on our way out and changed our minds and snuck into Twilight: New Moon<\/a>. We had missed the first 45 minutes so it was perfect. Kimiko assured me most of the whining was over (she was partially right) and that some wolf fight scenes were coming up. Let me sum new moon up with a good points \/ bad points bullet list.<\/p>\n
