{"id":50810,"date":"2002-02-08T06:19:56","date_gmt":"2002-02-08T06:19:56","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2002\/02\/08\/porn-science-and-business\/"},"modified":"2002-02-08T06:19:56","modified_gmt":"2002-02-08T06:19:56","slug":"porn-science-and-business-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2002\/02\/08\/porn-science-and-business-2\/","title":{"rendered":"porn, science and business\u2026"},"content":{"rendered":"

Another update so soon? Why yes!<\/p>\n

Life events…<\/u> <\/p>\n


My friend<\/p>\n


Flagg<\/a> found himself a place, that is a good thing and a bad thing. Good<\/p>\n

for him, good for<\/p>\n


Tatsumi<\/a> because they both want to live on their own bad bad for me. Well,<\/p>\n

obviously not bad<\/i> in any strong sense; I just like having people<\/p>\n

around. Personally, I think I would be happiest in a hive.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n



We had a  call with ClientX today. They are still having problems<\/p>\n

paying us for the work we did and frankly it is getting a little tired. There<\/p>\n

were some attempts to blame the problems on us and to hold us over a barrel<\/p>\n

for payment; but it simply isn’t going to happen. I think it is safe to say we<\/p>\n

have about had it.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

