{"id":50835,"date":"2002-05-13T19:18:36","date_gmt":"2002-05-13T19:18:36","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2002\/05\/13\/blogs-and-courts-and-bad-old-school-web-design\/"},"modified":"2002-05-13T19:18:36","modified_gmt":"2002-05-13T19:18:36","slug":"blogs-and-courts-and-bad-old-school-web-design-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2002\/05\/13\/blogs-and-courts-and-bad-old-school-web-design-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Blogs and courts and bad \u2018old school\u2019 web design\u2026"},"content":{"rendered":"

A few fast thoughts before I go to the Dojo…<\/p>\n

A BDSM event called "3D Days" has put up it’s<\/p>\n


informational site<\/a>. The event itself is certainly looking like it might be<\/p>\n

worthwhile if you’re planning to be in Nashville. The real reason I bring it up<\/p>\n

is this… the site si a perfect example of a second generation website. It is<\/p>\n

not my intention to put down the authors, obviously they have got a lot fo work<\/p>\n

on their hands and I am sure someone put a lot of time into it… but this site<\/p>\n

has it all:<\/p>\n