{"id":50936,"date":"2003-02-25T10:19:50","date_gmt":"2003-02-25T10:19:50","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2003\/02\/25\/go-get-this\/"},"modified":"2003-02-25T10:19:50","modified_gmt":"2003-02-25T10:19:50","slug":"go-get-this-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2003\/02\/25\/go-get-this-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Go get this\u2026"},"content":{"rendered":"

Way cool stuff happening, if you’re on a Windows box and you want to be part
\nof some groovy ideas I have in mind, then you want to go get the
\nbeta of 3 degrees<\/a>. Surf with Soulhuntre! Listen to music with me, keep in
\ntouch with your friends!<\/p>\n

Go get it my [[wp:droogies]], go get it. <\/p>\n

While you are at it, sign up for a
Passport<\/a> account, you
\ncan use your own email address or a Hotmail account. Why?<\/p>\n