{"id":50963,"date":"2003-03-18T00:31:49","date_gmt":"2003-03-18T00:31:49","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2003\/03\/18\/damaged-control\/"},"modified":"2003-03-18T00:31:49","modified_gmt":"2003-03-18T00:31:49","slug":"damaged-control-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2003\/03\/18\/damaged-control-2\/","title":{"rendered":"\u201cDamaged\u201d control"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n
\n priorities…<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>\n

The other day I put up an
\nentry about a song called "Damaged"<\/a> by TLC. Obviously this song has some
\napplicability to my life, both to myself (because I am far from free of it
\nmyself) and others I care for. Sometime later Tatsumi dropped
\npost<\/a> on the Girl2 news page.<\/p>\n

Fortunately she was kind enough to discuss it with me before I saw the entry
\nand hade a frigging heart attack… we are<\/b><\/i> managing to avoid doing
\nthat to each other these days mostly; though I have been having palpitations
\nmost of this week \ud83d\ude42 Anyway, no need for anyone to panic, it’s all cool.<\/p>\n


The thing is, my post was far from intended to point out anyone’s damage. She knows this but I wanted to make sure my loyal readers know it.<\/p>\n

\nlines that struck me about the song were not the ones that might be insulting or
\nhurtful, they were really the opposite. Here they are:<\/p>\n