{"id":50996,"date":"2003-04-07T06:49:52","date_gmt":"2003-04-07T06:49:52","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2003\/04\/07\/on-any-given-sunday\/"},"modified":"2003-04-07T06:49:52","modified_gmt":"2003-04-07T06:49:52","slug":"on-any-given-sunday-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2003\/04\/07\/on-any-given-sunday-2\/","title":{"rendered":"On any given Sunday\u2026"},"content":{"rendered":"

Sheesh! What a day.<\/p>\n

I didn’t wind up staying with Tatsumi last night – it gives you an idea how sore and tired I was that the call of my own soft bed was enough to pry me away from her 6-7 hours earlier than I had to. Seriously, she was going to be busy in the morning and I wanted to sleep late – so home I came.<\/p>\n

Today? Oh today was a blast! Flagg and I loaded the truck<\/a> and went on our merry way. We packed in a whole bunch of stuff including two snakes and went out to his new place, dropped it all off then I too his animal food shopping. She bought me cookies… it turns out they sucked but we didn’t know. <\/p>\n

Note to self… in future, only buy real “Nutter Butter<\/a>” brand peanut cookies when peanut flavor is wanted.<\/p>\n