{"id":51,"date":"2005-11-14T05:28:10","date_gmt":"2005-11-14T09:28:10","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2005\/11\/14\/atlas-looks-tasty\/"},"modified":"2005-11-14T05:28:10","modified_gmt":"2005-11-14T09:28:10","slug":"atlas-looks-tasty","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2005\/11\/14\/atlas-looks-tasty\/","title":{"rendered":"ATLAS looks tasty"},"content":{"rendered":"

Atlas is Microsoft’s work on a fully integrated, browser independent ASP.NET 2.0 driven AJAX library. Go ahead, dig into it and weep for joy. Now “go live” release won;t happen till sometime in 2006, so Atlas is not what you might want to build a quick and dirty app  that has to be delivered “today” on. For that, you should look into Ajax.NET<\/a> or Anthem.NET<\/a> and I’ll have more of that soon (they both seem to have their flaws). For my personal development projects? I may just go with the preview of Atlas so I am ready. Hard to say. <\/p>\n

How all this relates to the ASP.NET 2.0 “script callback<\/a>” stuff? I am not sure yet but I think that aside fromt heir use in the built in controls I will not be using script callback directly myself. It looks iffy<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The impoertant thing is this – build ASP.NET 2.0 Webservices to interface your front tne dtechnology (Atlas, Ajax.NET<\/a>, pure Ajax javascript) and your logic will be future prrof even if your display stuff has to change.<\/p>\n