{"id":538,"date":"2000-10-19T04:18:26","date_gmt":"2000-10-19T04:18:26","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2000\/10\/19\/an-extremely-hard-day-i-dont-usually-bitch\/"},"modified":"2000-10-19T04:18:26","modified_gmt":"2000-10-19T04:18:26","slug":"an-extremely-hard-day-i-dont-usually-bitch","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2000\/10\/19\/an-extremely-hard-day-i-dont-usually-bitch\/","title":{"rendered":"an extremely hard day – I don’t usually bitch…"},"content":{"rendered":"

an extremely hard day<\/u><\/b> – I don’t usually bitch… <\/p>\n

This has not been a good day. A long, tough business meeting let me to a surprising
\n and inescapable conclusion… the project we have been working so hard on is
\n more than we can handle with our current resources. This came as a complete
\n and total surprise, and very unwelcome \ud83d\ude41<\/p>\n

It’s not that the architecture is too hard, we have that nailed now… it’s
\n not that the code is too hard, I have that nailed and I am genius anyway \ud83d\ude42
\n … it’s simply much more work than our preliminary understanding\/design had
\n indicated and we need help.<\/p>\n

You might be wondering how the amount of work involved in a project I designed
\n and was coding could sneak up on me? Ah, a good question and one I will take
\n a moment to delve into and takes us on a long rant about how I do business…
\n sit back and relax… this is gonna ramble and I am tired.<\/p>\n

Software is an iceberg.<\/i><\/b> For everything you see, there is much
\n much more foundation underneath. When you design a system – especially a "clean
\n slate" system with no preexisting code there is a unknown nightmare of
\n details and gremlins ahead of you – but managing them is part of the territory.<\/p>\n

The issue is this … you have to design your system from someplace. You can
\n start bottom up or top down but you need to begin someplace, and often on a
\n clean slate system that is top down. Decide what it needs to do and then work
\n backwards from there to find out what the architecture has to look lick – the
\n features will tell you.<\/p>\n

Take a simple enough task on a website – allowing users to communicate with
\n each other. E-mail, in a way. Now in something your just knocking together for
\n a personal site that is simple – send and read a message. But in a production
\n system, when that system is to be used by thousands of people and user seriously
\n it is much more complex. Especially when that e-mail system will be used to
\n conduct business transactions:<\/p>\n