{"id":620,"date":"2000-11-03T18:37:33","date_gmt":"2000-11-03T18:37:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2000\/11\/03\/fortunately-i-will-never-be-without-something-in-my-life-to-desire\/"},"modified":"2000-11-03T18:37:33","modified_gmt":"2000-11-03T18:37:33","slug":"fortunately-i-will-never-be-without-something-in-my-life-to-desire","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2000\/11\/03\/fortunately-i-will-never-be-without-something-in-my-life-to-desire\/","title":{"rendered":"Fortunately, I will never be without something in my life to desire."},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n\n

Let’s take a quick look at the concept of want, desire and greed…<\/p>\n

I want. I want pretty much all the time. It has been this way my whole life
\nand I am sure will be this way till I die. I will go into more details bout this
\nat a future time, but for the moment I wanted to take a second and show you
\nsomething that gives you a little idea of the kind of things I want.<\/p>\n


I want to be able to design and build websites like this<\/a>… but I can’t. yet.<\/p>\n

Then there is the idea of wanting something else. A woman to be specific. Sometimes I just desire and covet something… it is almost a physical ache in me. I don’t mind this feeling – it drives me to be more, to do more, to have more. And yet the want, the desire to posess is not really one of crass physicality. I do not need to have a relationship with every woman of beauty – I simply want to draw my wonder at them around me like a cloak. Wonder and want keep me warm. In the absence of that ache I become morose and cold.<\/p>\n

Fortunately, I will never be without something in my life to desire.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n

It is this desire that makes me a voyeur. It is why I collect images and pages. Each photograph shows me that at one moment in time, somewhere that beauty existed. Obviously, I am insane.<\/p>\n

I am blessed with a lot of beauty in my life, my relationships are ones that grew out of this deep ache in me and several times a week something in my life will simply make me stop dead in my tracks in wonder at how amazing it all is. In other words, I am fortunate enough to be living a life that provides me the ability to be present at those frozen moments: to put it another way… I have seen with my own eyes things I would collect pictures of if those pictures existed.<\/p>\n

It drives my desire for ownership to be sure. I won’t analyze myself too deeply here – I am sure you all can do it yourselves. I desire… I covet. Some special people make me want to posess them as literally as possible .. I want to pull them deeper inside of me, to enhance those things that are amazing and to help them become all that they can be. When one finds a diamond – how can one resist the urge to cut and polish it?<\/p>\n

Those special people I can never get enough of posessing. Our bond can never be too deep. I have to bring them totally inside my ‘power’ if you will. <\/p>\n