{"id":69,"date":"2005-11-18T08:09:18","date_gmt":"2005-11-18T12:09:18","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2005\/11\/18\/i-had-a-dream\/"},"modified":"2005-11-18T08:09:18","modified_gmt":"2005-11-18T12:09:18","slug":"i-had-a-dream","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2005\/11\/18\/i-had-a-dream\/","title":{"rendered":"I had a dream…"},"content":{"rendered":"

A while back, I had a super secret project. The idea was to use RSS to transport real data – server uptimes and so on. Your server would run a small app that added this data as entries in a sort of virtual “blog” and you would read it via RSS. Also, I would product a small custom RSS app to eat these streams and spit out charts and graphs.<\/p>\n

Anyway, smart people think alike and someone beat me to much of it:<\/p>\n