{"id":697,"date":"2000-12-11T15:33:18","date_gmt":"2000-12-11T15:33:18","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2000\/12\/11\/sometimes-quickies-are-good-no-really-dont-laugh\/"},"modified":"2000-12-11T15:33:18","modified_gmt":"2000-12-11T15:33:18","slug":"sometimes-quickies-are-good-no-really-dont-laugh","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2000\/12\/11\/sometimes-quickies-are-good-no-really-dont-laugh\/","title":{"rendered":"sometimes quickies are good – no, really, don’t laugh"},"content":{"rendered":"

sometimes quickies are good<\/u><\/b> – no, really, don’t laugh<\/p>\n

In looking at this way this log has been running I realized I had sort of
\nstopped posting so often. Why? Well … that’s a long (short) story. <\/p>\n

What you might not know about me is that sometimes I get a little,
\ncompulsive. Not in a "could possibly interfere with a really cool contract
\nwith a great client" kind of way (you never know who might be reading…)
\nbut in a "I really like things to be in the right place" kind of way.<\/p>\n

The problem is, I had sort of started putting this log in a "place to
\nrant" box… and that has made me hold back from just posting tiny stuff.
\nOf course, there is an answer to the problem. I need to write a piece of weblog<\/a>
\nsoftware that actually works the way >I< want it to. This isn’t really a
\nproblem – but I currently am not sitting on the platform I want to use to write
\nthat tool on. Currently this site sits on a
\nsystem. While that is a wonderful combination it is not the one I want the
\nsystem to ultimately live on so it would be kind of silly for me to write the
\nwhole system here and then be stuck. For those who are curious, I want this
\nthing to move to a IIS\/ASP+ box with a SQL Server backend and it will be a good
\nchance to get my hands on C#.<\/p>\n

Anyway, here are some quickies for you.<\/p>\n