{"id":713,"date":"2000-12-16T18:00:47","date_gmt":"2000-12-16T18:00:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2000\/12\/16\/lets-talk-turkey-the-nature-of-life-out-loud\/"},"modified":"2000-12-16T18:00:47","modified_gmt":"2000-12-16T18:00:47","slug":"lets-talk-turkey-the-nature-of-life-out-loud","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2000\/12\/16\/lets-talk-turkey-the-nature-of-life-out-loud\/","title":{"rendered":"let’s talk turkey – the nature of life "out loud""},"content":{"rendered":"

let’s talk turkey<\/u><\/b> – the nature of life "out loud"<\/p>\n

If you’ve followed the
\n saga<\/a> from a while ago, you know that dotPublishing had a tough time with
\n a project. Obviously, it isn’t good for anyone when something happens like that.
\n As a person, you do what you can to make good, and as a professional you also
\n work to do the right thing. I think we did that.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. I got a phone message that went into some
\n detail about me being a bad person from someone close to the client in the above
\n mentioned saga. At first I was personally insulted, then I was really pissed
\n off… then I thought about it some more and decided that neither of those reactions
\n is really helpful.<\/p>\n

Fortunately, I got in contact with the client and we discussed the situation.
\n All seems to be well. The topic was interesting though so I thought it worth
\n a mention here…<\/p>\n

Why do people mistrust consultants and programmers?<\/i><\/p>\n

Computer consultants have a bad reputation. It is somewhere between lawyers
\n and automobile mechanics. I am not surprised. In fact, I have been aware of
\n it as have most of my colleagues for all the time I have been in the development
\n game. For the purposes of this discussion "consultant" and "programmer"
\n are usually interchangeable<\/b>, they will generically refer to that guy with
\n the pony tail you usually pay to make the lights blink.<\/p>\n

Some of the public relations hurdles of programmers:<\/p>\n