{"id":75,"date":"2005-11-20T15:48:05","date_gmt":"2005-11-20T19:48:05","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2005\/11\/20\/what-i-want-to-really-know-is-whether-malkin-has-the-ability-to-suck-the-chrome-off-of-a-trailer-hitch\/"},"modified":"2005-11-20T15:48:05","modified_gmt":"2005-11-20T19:48:05","slug":"what-i-want-to-really-know-is-whether-malkin-has-the-ability-to-suck-the-chrome-off-of-a-trailer-hitch","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2005\/11\/20\/what-i-want-to-really-know-is-whether-malkin-has-the-ability-to-suck-the-chrome-off-of-a-trailer-hitch\/","title":{"rendered":""What I want to really know is whether Malkin has the ability to suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch""},"content":{"rendered":"
Michelle Malkin<\/a><\/span><\/div>\n

It’s not often you can say “Asian Whore” and mean that in what most people will consider a “good way”.  At the bottom of this post you will find some links to some of the most deranged, idiotic racist and ant-female crap you will ever see, and it all comes from the extreme feminist, politically correct left. Hell, I might start being a feminist just who I can yell “Asian whore” more often with impunity.<\/p>\n

There are a lot of people out there who just can’t keep their kinds off of a hot Asian babe. Michelle Malkin<\/a> is one of those babes and she is causing a lot of concern. The left really doesn’t have any idea what to do with a smart, hot minority who is also a conservative war supporter. The tend to just refer to how hot she is and wonder about sex.<\/p>\n

“What I want to really know is whether Malkin has the ability to suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch. <\/i><\/p>\n

I mean, she’s gotta have SOME kind of purposeful earthly use walking around on this planet, because she certainly doesn’t have one that has anything to do with her intellect or her political views.” – rant in context<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

As usual when someone on the far left or feminist movements is faced with one of their treasured people (women, minorities, the poor) who isn’t drinking their cool-aid they flip out  fall back on some basic attacks<\/a>:<\/p>\n
