{"id":755,"date":"2001-01-14T01:45:29","date_gmt":"2001-01-14T01:45:29","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2001\/01\/14\/well-i-finally-decoded-it\/"},"modified":"2001-01-14T01:45:29","modified_gmt":"2001-01-14T01:45:29","slug":"well-i-finally-decoded-it","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2001\/01\/14\/well-i-finally-decoded-it\/","title":{"rendered":"Well, I finally decoded it."},"content":{"rendered":"

you just can’t please some wimmin’ and other stuff<\/u><\/b> – but you
\nguys know that already<\/p>\n

Well, this is going to cover a little bit of extra ground, in no particular

boxes?<\/u> – We moved one of our systems to Tatsumi’s<\/a>
\nFriday (depending on your point of view yesterday or the day before) so that
\ncould keep up with her work now that we have been spending more time here. It
\nwas a good move and thus the last linux box I had been running on our premises
\nslipped into the night and became a Windows 2000 workstation. That’s Ok, we
\nweren’t using it for much at the moment.<\/p>\n

unreal baby<\/u> – we picked up a copy of Unreal
\nTournament<\/a> today. It looks pretty cool and the most important thing about it
\nis how much
\nthere is for writing ‘mods’ and doing other general development. We are looking
\nat it as a way to get some handle on ‘project zero’ without spending a few hundred
\nthousand at the moment.<\/p>\n

little grey cells<\/u> – I have been looking at replacing the blogger<\/a>
\nstuff with something more specifically tailored to my needs, and I took a good
\nhard look at ‘
\nMatter<\/a>‘. Grey Matter is a
\nscript that is a little like blogger but also has some radical tangents in it.
\nUltimately, I decided it wasn’t any closer to what I really wanted (at least so
\nfar) but I wanted to mention it because some of you might prefer it and because it is a great tool.<\/p>\n

babe request<\/u> – so some chick named Andrea seams to be a classic
\nexample of a ‘you can’t please ’em’ feminist. In a
\narticle<\/a> in the well known bastion of objective commentary that is ‘Rebel
\nRebel’ she bitches for a page or two about MTV’s ‘
\nRequest live<\/a>‘. Apprently you just can’t please some people. here is a chick
\nwho seems more than happy to say that somehow or another
\nSpears<\/a> causes rape – but now doubt she would deny any claim that giving out condoms
\nincreased teen sex.  <\/p>\n

Remember all that stuff we keep hearing about how horrible it is for
\nwomen\/girls to be ashamed of their bodies? Or how bad it was to try and repress
\nthe reality that young women are sexual beings? How about all the bitching we
\nheard when women didn’t get any airplay on MTV?<\/p>\n

Well, I finally decoded it.<\/p>\n