{"id":762,"date":"2001-01-18T18:25:33","date_gmt":"2001-01-18T18:25:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2001\/01\/18\/sometimes-i-am-so-damn-eloquent-or-sumthin\/"},"modified":"2001-01-18T18:25:33","modified_gmt":"2001-01-18T18:25:33","slug":"sometimes-i-am-so-damn-eloquent-or-sumthin","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2001\/01\/18\/sometimes-i-am-so-damn-eloquent-or-sumthin\/","title":{"rendered":"sometimes I am so damn eloquent – or sumthin’"},"content":{"rendered":"

sometimes I am so damn eloquent<\/u><\/b> – or sumthin’<\/p>\n

I know, I know, a big day for blogging. But I am trying to just put this stuff
\n here instead of leave myself little notes to do it sometime in the future. It
\n seems to be helping.<\/p>\n

In any case, on one of the mailing lists I am on at egroups.com<\/a>
\n (
\n is the name, and I recommend it highly!) the topic came up of people who archive
\n mailing lists for years and years. The context isn’t important because this
\n is not a response to that post. Rather, I responded to that post there and then
\n felt bad that you all wouldn’t get the benefit of my insight and wisdom.<\/p>\n

I am truly beneficent!<\/i><\/b><\/p>\n

So I am posting my reply here. Only the part I wrote – and not
\n in it’s entirety because it is not my intention to bring the ‘in list’ to the
\n ‘out list’. But when I was done posting I saw I had said something I had been
\n thinking about – but not really thinking of the words for – for a while now.<\/p>\n

BTW: I corrected the spelling on this one, my apologies to the
\n Dominion readers.<\/p>\n

BTW2: When I say I keep "everything" I mean that in
\n a non-literal sense. And I certainly don;t mean it in any way that would help
\n someone prosecute me at somefuture time by trying to get a warrent for my old
\n email. Honest.<\/p>\n\n\n

I do keep all this stuff – on CD-ROM. Gig’s and gig’s of e-mail and newsgroups
\n and mailing lists going back to when I started on the Internet. Not really
\n to have ‘leverage’ – there isn’t any real point. <\/p>\n