{"id":949,"date":"2001-05-09T13:16:34","date_gmt":"2001-05-09T13:16:34","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.soulhuntre.com\/items\/date\/2001\/05\/09\/biz-and-life-these-things-revolve-around-each-other\/"},"modified":"2001-05-09T13:16:34","modified_gmt":"2001-05-09T13:16:34","slug":"biz-and-life-these-things-revolve-around-each-other","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/legacyiamsenseiken.local\/2001\/05\/09\/biz-and-life-these-things-revolve-around-each-other\/","title":{"rendered":"biz and life – these things revolve around each other"},"content":{"rendered":"

biz and life<\/u><\/b> – these things revolve around each other<\/p>\n

NOTE: This post was delayed, I am already awake for a new day \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n

Some site news: You can not point your links at soulhuntre.com with safety.
\nAll URL\/browser detection will come from there now. This means you won’t need
\nthe "enhanced\/views" portion of the URL anymore if you were using it.
\nThis is very much a work in progress.<\/p>\n

Obviously, there has been a lot of stress here locally about money. This is
\nno shock to anyone who knows how
\nthings are<\/a> out there in the marketplace. Along with money stress comes many
\nother stresses – some of the interpersonal, some of them simply personal. Many
\nof the things I want to do require a rather serious cash flow – and many of the
\nloyalties I expect from others really only come if I can supply adequate sums of

I am not insulted by this. It is simply the ‘way things are’. If you would
\nrule, then you must provide. Simple.<\/p>\n

Anyway – I have been thinking about the directions this
\ncompany<\/a> has to go in to survive. The market has changed, the climate for
\nmoney, income and finance has changed. Some things remain the same. In the
\ncurrent market, the clear winner seems to be direct to consumer, paid content.
\nThe big loser (at current) is business to business consulting services. Our
\nrecent problems with Client X have shown me that you are always in trouble if
\nyou are at the mercy of another firm.<\/p>\n

 I am a much wiser man than I was a year ago – and my team more
\ntechnically adept. The question remains then – what is it
\nInc.<\/a> has to offer?<\/p>\n